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  • Writer's pictureArchdiocese of Bombay

Cardinal Gracias Leads the Good Friday Service at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Kalyan West

In a solemn ceremony presided over by His Eminence, Oswald Cardinal Gracias, the Christian community gathered at the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes in Kalyan West to commemorate the Passion of Our Lord on Good Friday.

During his homily, Cardinal Gracias reminded worshippers of the significance of Good Friday, emphasizing its reflection on the death of Jesus Christ and the redemption it brings to the world through his sacrifice on the Cross. He spoke of the transformative power of Christ's love, turning the symbol of shame into one of faith and salvation.

Addressing the congregation, Cardinal Gracias prompted introspection, urging individuals to identify with various characters present during Jesus's final hours. He questioned whether they aligned with Judas, betraying their faith through actions contrary to the Gospel, or resembled Peter, denying Christ in moments of fear and shame. He also challenged them to consider Pilate's dilemma, questioning their stance on justice and truth in the face of public pressure.

The Cardinal highlighted the steadfastness of Mother Mary, who remained unwavering in her love for Jesus, standing faithfully at the foot of the Cross. He also referenced Simon of Cyrene, illustrating the transformative power of stepping forward, even reluctantly, to aid in Christ's journey.

In his concluding remarks, Cardinal Gracias emphasized the significance of Good Friday as a demonstration of God's understanding of human suffering and injustice, portraying Christ's ultimate sacrifice as an expression of divine love for humanity.

The service concluded with prayers and reflections, as worshippers departed with renewed contemplation of the profound message of Good Friday.


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