Donning their purple robes and joyfully singing the entrance hymn, was the choir, at the Cathedral of the Holy Name, who were a blend of students from St Mary’s School (I.C.S.E), St Mary’s High School (S.S.C.), St Isabel’s High School, Rosary High School and St Joseph’s High School, Umerkhadi. The Mass was celebrated in honour of His Eminence Oswald Cardinal Gracias, Archbishop of Bombay, who will turn 74 next week, on the 24th of December. St Mary’s High School (I.C.S.E) was in charge of the Liturgy and the congregation comprised students from schools that fall under the Archdiocesan Board of Education.
The programme for the day, began with a short film, which focused on the life of Cardinal Gracias, who completed his 10th anniversary as Cardinal in November this year. The Eucharist was celebrated by the Cardinal and 15 other priests.
During his sermon, Cardinal Gracias spoke about the focus of the XV Ordinary General Assembly Of The Syond Of Bishops, which took place from the 3rd to 28th of October, 2018. RECOGNIZING – where the Church wants to “listen to reality and take stock of the situation of young people”; a Church that can be accompanying, a guide that walks beside, and provides answers in a way that the youth understand. Since the young generation is tech savy, communication can be possible through this medium.
Although technology disconnects us from reality, it is something that connects us to people and places. Technology is not solely a bane, and can also be used for the good of the community, but only when it is used correctly. Temporarily unplugging from technology, children and adults alike, can help to improve quality time with family, and with God. The Cardinal highlighted the use of three words – please, thank you and sorry, which according to Pope Francis are necessary for every family to stay in harmony.
The Eucharist ended with hymn ‘We wanna see Jesus’, after which, Cardinal Gracias was felicitated with a bouquet of flowers, by Fr. George Athaide, Secretary of the Archdiocesan Board of Education.
The Cardinal was presented with a card prepared by the students. The choir then sang one last time for the Cardinal, who smiled on in appreciation. The entire congregation, joined in singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to Cardinal Gracias as he cut his birthday cake.
By the end of the programme, every well-wisher got the opportunity to personally wish the Cardinal and give him the handmade cards they prepared. As a take-away gift, the well-wishers received a colourful booklet titled ‘Saints of India’ where one can read about the lives of saints who have lived and worked in our Mother Land. These moments were captured on camera, to be cherished, by all those who came a long way to be a part of this celebration.
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