My dear Fathers,
We are in the process of Synodality: A Core Committee of twenty five. comprising or all sections of People of God has been planning all our programmes in this connection. Several groups have, already had their Synodal meetings and Reports are being drawn up. A Concluding Programme is being planned for June 2nd, 3rd and 4th in the Seminary.
On the feast of St. Joseph, Patron and Guardian of the Church, two Heads of The Dicasteries most connected with us during the process of Synodality: Cardinal Mario Grech, Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, and Archbishop Lazzaro You Heung Sik, Head or the Dicastery for the Clergy have jointly addressed a letter to all our priests. which I am forwarding to you. (download letter here)
This letter is a Document which serves as a guide. an encouragement and a challenge: guiding us how to walk in Synodality; encouraging us not to be overcome by a sense or fatigue and to understand this process as a means to bring vibrancy into the Church; and challenging us to think of creative initiatives adapted to our local needs and possibilities.
We are grateful to Cardinal Grech and Archbishop Lazzaro for this personal letter and I will thank them on your behalf'. I am sure all or us will benefit from its contents and we may have occasion to reflect on it during our coming diocesan events.
I look forward to meeting you at the Seminary for our Clergy Recollection on March 31 and for the Chrism Mass at the Cathedral on April 7.
I wish you grace filled weeks of lent and let us continue to pray for each other.
With affectionate regards.
+Oswald Cardinal Gracias
Archbishop of Bombay