As The Examiner marks its 175th anniversary, Oswald Cardinal Gracias calls Bombay’s Archdiocesan newsweekly “a beacon of truth, a voice of reason, and a source of inspiration for countless individuals across India and beyond.”
“As we reflect on this momentous occasion, it is impossible not to be awed by the rich history and the legacy of excellence that The Examiner embodies,” the Cardinal said. “Since its inception, The Examiner has remained steadfast in its commitment to upholding the values of the Church, fostering dialogue, and serving as a catalyst for positive change within our community and society at large,” he added.

Oswald Cardinal Gracias noted that beyond its role as a purveyor of news and information, The Examiner has played a vital role in shaping the narrative surrounding critical issues facing the Church and society. “Through its insightful articles and reporting, thought-provoking commentary, and unwavering advocacy for justice and compassion, The Examiner has not only informed minds but also touched hearts, inspiring countless individuals to action and reflection,” he said.
The Examiner was established on July 10, 1849, by the Jesuits. It is the oldest English language Catholic newspaper in India.
“Looking ahead to the next 175 years and beyond, let us recommit ourselves to the values and ideals that have guided The Examiner since its inception: Integrity, excellence, and a steadfast commitment to serving the Church and society with humility and compassion,” Cardinal Gracias added. “May this anniversary year be a time of renewal, celebration, and rededication to the noble mission of journalism as a force for good in the world,” he said.
Fr Anthony Charanghat has been the editor of The Examiner for over 25 years, and associated with the magazine for 50 years.
“As we raise our hearts on the occasion of the 175th year of the uninterrupted publication of The Examiner to give thanks to God for the gift that He has given us,” he said in a message sent to Crux. “We do not take this occasion to trumpet the glories of our work, for we are just frail vessels of clay made from the earth, and unto dust we shall return. But praise we must: Give glory to God for the wonders and marvels of His work, and loudly proclaim and communicate the grandeur of His Love.,” the priest added.
“Where do we begin to tell the story of how great the love of God can be, greater than the ocean and the sea, a communion between God and humanity! This is the essence of the branding of The Examiner insignia which gives us the motto, and the icon of what a religious Catholic newspaper ought to be,” Fr Charanghat said.
The priest said The Examiner is a religious magazine which gives primacy of place to human relationship with God. “Hence, The Examiner is called to function as a mirror of God’s Love revealed by His Word, who is Christ. The Examiner, being a Catholic religious newspaper, has to interpret the deeper insights of God’s Word in the language of the common person,” he said.
Fr Charanghat said the newspaper has employed the language of scripture to convey the message of the mission entrusted to every person “to fulfil their call to bring the Kingdom values on Earth.” “The literary genre of the language of the Bible has been extensively used in The Examiner and by our writers who were legends of yore, that has elevated the tenor and tone of The Examiner and raised it to the touch of the Divine, casting a spiritual glow that makes The Examiner so riveting,” he said.
“It is interesting to observe that human religious writings are always inspired by God, especially if they mirror the revelations of God, as evidenced by the authors of the Bible. The language of the Bible has been extolled as the best literature in the world which touches the mind, moves the heart and changes the world. The Bible has been deemed universally as the greatest story of Love ever told,” the priest added. “Above all, the Bible is a story of Salvation realised in the redeeming life of Jesus Christ, our mediator between God and man,” he said.
He also wanted to pay tribute to a galaxy of eminent writers and contributors who have “embellished the volumes of The Examiner over the years with their expertise, knowledge and writing skills, who have made it a readers’ delight to be found not only in many Christian homes, but also avidly read in public libraries, educational institutions and hospitals, to bring comfort and solace in the healing powers of God in their moments of pain and suffering.”
“I cannot fail to thank the dynamic and exuberant Father Joshan Rodrigues, who has been a pillar of strength, upholding the edifice of The Examiner as he assisted me in editing the content and operations of The Examiner, and on several occasions, writing the leaders of the newsweekly,” Fr Charanghat said.
Looking to the future, the editor said it is his sincere belief and hope that the next generation of the newspaper’s family will “surely steer the forward march of The Examiner to greater heights into the last lap of the bicentennial.”
Taken from the article on Crux Now by Nirmala Carvalho