I send my sincere condolences to the Congregation of the Ursulines of Mary on the passing away of Mother Giovanna yesterday.
The Archdiocese of Bombay owes so much to Mother Giovanna. She was the spirit behind the hospital, she contributed to its ethos,development and growth.
Due to her continued encouragement and spurring on,Holy Family Hospital has become the Premier Institute it is today.
I have deep personal appreciation for Mother Giovanna. She was elected General and I was appointed Bishop at the same time. I met her several times and she was always optimistic, hopeful,encouraging and planning the development of the hospital. Even in her last days from her room she would continue to ask about the situation and was impatient because she could not help more.
Mother Giovanna will pray for us and for Holy Family Hospital from above.
God bless.
Oswald Cardinal Gracias Archbishop of Bombay