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Holy Hour on “Sacrosanctum Concilium”

Writer's picture: Archdiocese of BombayArchdiocese of Bombay

Hymn:  Hymn of worship and praise.


(Pause for Moments of Silent and Personal Adoration before the Eucharistic Lord)


Dear friends, in preparation for the Jubilee Year 2025, we will spend this time of prayer reflecting on "Sacrosanctum Concilium" (The Constitution on Sacred Liturgy) one of the key documents of the Second Vatican Council. The document expresses the Church's desire to renew its liturgical life, making it more accessible and meaningful, as it is the heartbeat of the Church and the summit of the Church's activities and the source of its power. True Christian spirit is derived from full, conscious, and active participation in the liturgy. The liturgy is a participation in the Paschal mystery of Christ, and an exercise of Jesus Christ's priestly office, where sanctification and glorification occur through perceptible signs. Liturgy symbolizes unity amidst our diversity. Regardless of our backgrounds, we unite in worship, celebrating our shared humanity and divine heritage. The liturgy celebrates the Resurrection, symbolizing life over death and hope over despair. This hope empowers us to face the world's challenges with courage and conviction. As pilgrims of hope, we witness that God's light can penetrate even the darkest situations.  

(Pause for Moments of Silent Personal Prayer)

Hymn: A hymn of worship and adoration.


Lord Jesus Christ, truly present in the Blessed Sacrament, we adore you, with all our hearts. We praise you for the gift of your real presence in the Eucharist, where you continue to reveal your unconditional love and grace to us. Through the Liturgy of the Church, you invite us to a deeper union with you and be a part of your Body in the world. In this moment of adoration, we lift our voices in hymns of praise, joining the heavenly hosts in their eternal song of glory. May this sacred moment of our encounter with you empower us to act with kindness, justice, and love, especially towards those who are marginalized and suffering. Amen

(Pause for Moments of Silent Personal Prayer)


Leader: The Bible is the living Word of God, and as we read it, we encounter the Author Himself. The condition of our heart greatly impacts how we receive God’s Word. We ask the Holy Spirit to open our spiritual eyes and ears to receive the revelation and insight.


Hymn: Hymn to the Holy Spirit.

Scripture Reading: Lk 22: 14-20 (Pause for Silent Personal reflection)



Reflecting on Luke 22:14-20, we are drawn into the profound mystery and significance of the Last Supper, a moment that resonates deeply within the liturgy of the Church and the sacramental life of believers. In the simple yet profound actions at the last supper, Jesus encapsulates His entire mission: to give Himself wholly for the salvation of humanity. The bread and wine, transformed into His body and blood, are tangible signs of His unwavering love and the new covenant sealed in His sacrifice. The liturgy is not just a ritual but an encounter with the living Christ, who promised to be with us until the end of time. Every time we gather for the Eucharist, we participate in this divine mystery, receiving the body and blood of Christ, which nourishes and strengthens us for our journey of faith.

The Eucharist is a foretaste of the heavenly banquet, a sign of the eternal communion we are called to with God. It is a source of grace that transforms us, enabling us to become more like Christ in our daily lives. As we partake in this sacred meal, we are reminded of Jesus' ultimate sacrifice and His abiding presence. This profound gift calls us to live in gratitude, love, and service, embodying the very essence of the Gospel. It is a moment of intimate communion, where heaven and earth meet, and we are drawn into the mystery of God's infinite love. Let us approach the Eucharistic table with reverence and awe, fully aware of the sacred mystery we are privileged to partake in, and let it inspire us to live out our faith with renewed zeal and devotion.


(Pause for Silent Self -examination of conscience in the light of the Gospel)




Reverence for the Eucharist:  Do we approach the Eucharistic celebration with reverence and awe, fully aware of the sacred mystery we are partaking in?


Gratitude and Thanksgiving:  Do we express gratitude for the gift of the Eucharist, recognizing it as the source of grace and strength in our life?


Participation in the Liturgy:  Do we fully participate in the Mass, and listen attentively to the readings and the homily, seeking to understand and apply the teachings to our life?


Living the Eucharist:  Do we live out the spirit of self-giving and service that Jesus exemplified at the Last Supper and seek opportunities to serve others, especially the poor, marginalized, and those who are suffering?


Communion with the Church:  Do we contribute to the building up of the Church community through our participation and support?


Leader: Gratitude is at the heart of the liturgy, allowing us to see God’s goodness in all circumstances. Gratitude enables us to recognize and celebrate the small signs of God’s presence in our lives, which in turn, encourages others to do the same. Let us pause to recollect God’s blessing to us and thank him in the silence of our hearts. (Pause for Silent Personal reflection)

Hymn: Hymn of thanksgiving and praise.

Intercessory prayer isn’t about asking for favours it’s about connecting with God and supporting, seeking God’s guidance and wisdom in others. It’s a beautiful act of faith that connects us with God on a deeper level. Intercessory prayer allows us to bear the burdens of others making us become vessels of God’s love and grace.


GENERAL INTERCESSIONS: Response:  Lord, hear our prayer.

For the Church; that she may always be a source of unity and holiness for all people and that through the sacred liturgy, all members may be drawn closer to Christ. We pray to the Lord. R/


For the Pope and Bishops and clergy; that they may faithfully guide the Church in true worship and inspire us to live out our baptismal calling. We pray to the Lord. R/


For all Christians; that they may experience the transformative power of the Eucharist and be strengthened to live out the Gospel in their daily lives. We pray to the Lord. R/


For a deeper understanding and appreciation of the Sacraments: that through their celebration, we may encounter the living Christ and be nourished by His grace. We pray to the Lord. R/


For those who suffer from illness, poverty, or any kind of hardship: that they may find comfort and hope in the Church’s liturgy and the support of the Christian community. We pray to the Lord. R/


For the faithful departed of our community especially all those who died in accidents, natural and manmade calamities that God receive them in his mercy and love. We pray to the Lord. R/ 




Blessed be God. Blessed be His Holy Name.

Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true man. Blessed be the name of Jesus.

Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart.

Blessed be His Most Precious Blood.

Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.

Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.

Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most holy.

Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Conception. Blessed be her glorious Assumption.

Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother.

Blessed be Saint Joseph, her most chaste spouse. Blessed be God in His angels and in His Saints.


Closing Hymn: O Sacrament most Holy, O Sacrament Divine…


Commission for Liturgy Archdiocese of Bombay

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